First true leaves

on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 22:57

Today I started noticing the first "true leaves" are starting to open on a number of the plants. That's amazing since it's only been 8 days since I first planted the seeds. When you figure the germination timetable on most of these is 10+ days, it's so surprising to have them not only germinated but also first true leaves in only 8 days.

True leaves

Many people who are new to growing plants by seeds don't know that the first leaves that you see pop up are not the "true leaves" for the plant. Many call them "seedling leaves". They're actually cotyledons and are a part of the seed and serve as food for the seedling until the first true leaves show up. Apparently these first leaves can't do photosynthesis, and only serve as a food source until the new leaves can start producing food. Once they are no longer needed they will fall off the plant.

Some plants will need to be moved to bigger pots once these first leaves get big, while others can stay in the little pots for a little while longer. Squash and cucumbers are ones I've noticed need to be moved fairly quickly. By the time that first leaf gets about the size of a quarter the root system has gotten quite large. You may find you have several inches of roots hanging out of the bottom of the pod. So when I see that leaf starting to get big, that is when I make sure I am getting everything ready for my next set of pots that I move the plants into. Greens, tomatoes, etc. seem to take a little more time before they are ready to be moved up.
